My Mission
Years of planning, strategizing, learning, suffering, and working has led me to today: I’m ready to present my mission.
We are systems of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen, and one day we all will return to the mushroom grotto. But, until then, we have the ability to choose how we spend our time. “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering.” – Allport
Inner Flame
I’ve struggled my whole life with meaning. Instead of finding one, I’ve decided to make my own. I choose to chase my flaming dreams, no matter how ambitious or idealistic.
“Philosophy does not promise to secure anything external for man, otherwise it would be admitting something that lies beyond its proper subject-matter. For as the material of the carpenter is wood, and that of statuary bronze, so the subject-matter of the art of living is each person’s own life.” – Epictetus
I’ve devoted years to my studies, science has been my calling since as long as I can remember. But, my true passion is Biology. From being able to identify every tree native in the state of Kansas to Microbiology, I’m well versed in both the macro and micro of nature. Specialty is Plant-Fungal systems.
My unique high functioning autism brain is hardwired to effectively combine abstract ideas. From biochemical poetry to fungal business, I combine art and science to create true beauty. Alongside this, I like to call my brain a sponge, I absorb knowledge quickly and efficiently store it in my vault for later retrieval. There is no discipline on this planet I can’t learn, master, and combine with another.
Although only 6 months in, I’m developing the foundation of my business knowledge. Digital marketing, website design, sales, SEO management, software development, graphic design, animation. My next challenges and I will settle for no less than mastery.
The Mission
After years of aimlessly studying and working, I eventually developed my fundamentals. If I come to the conclusion there is no inherent meaning to life, rather I must choose how I wish to live, what would I even choose?
Ever since a young age, I’ve had a strong moral compass. From years of scouting to the strength of Kansans’s kindness, I naively believed small Manhattan Kansas represented the world. As I grew, I began to recognize how lucky I am. Born in a first world nation, upper middle-class family, no health issues, high intelligence, I’ve truly been gifted an amazing life that I’m grateful for. But I can’t rest.
As global temperatures increase, as widespread food and water shortages continue, as antibiotic resistance increases, as conflict continues, as global biodiversity decreases, as suffering of all kinds affects millions.
I’ve been given so much in life to the point I have a moral obligation to give back. My strengths, my fundamentals, my inner flame, all come together to create an efficient weapon of light.
Presenting, My Mission:
I will work to become as successful as possible in this lifetime in order to create as much positive change as I can. This success comes in many forms, but the true way I see myself accomplishing my mission is with my fungal empire. I plan to combine business, science, and cooking into a fungal restaurant chain. To spread knowledge on sustainable food, to develop agriculture and fungal infrastructure, to help fight climate change, to simply feeding the hungry. This is my life’s goal. Nothing can stop my flaming determination, except for when I return to the mushroom grotto.
Welcome all to the Flaming Horizon, the formal title of my life’s work. This is my Forge where I plan to highlight my progress in pushing the future forward. If you wish to see my journey, join the spreading flame below.
I got big talk, time to show the timeline of my mission.